Infertility Health Insurance Meets With Heavy Demand In The Modern World

A few decades ago, the average marriage age was some 16-17 years for the girl and about 22-25 years for the man.  Today, if you look at the global picture, you will see that the average age has shifted by almost 20 years! Women marry and start their families as late as 35-40, and men follow suit with 40-45 years as average marriageable

What The Biological Clock Tells Us

Women attain their puberty at about 12-15 years of age. There are instances when girls reach puberty as early as 10 years. Men on the other hand, will mature at 16-18 years of age. Basically speaking, this is the age when human being can bear children. The fact that neither women nor men are mature mentally at this age makes marriage an unsuitable proposition at this time. However, globally the legal marriageable age is 18 for women and 21 for men.

Given the fact that both men and women choose to marry much later, they also have children much later, in spite of the contraindication of the biological clock.  Women are advised by the doctors to have their first baby before they are 30 years of age; for men, the ideal age is 21-40 years of age.  With every year that passes above this ideal landmark, the possibility of infertility increases greatly.

Infertility Health Insurance – What Are The Possibilities Available?

There are many schemes which include infertility health insurance as an integral part of medical treatment, while there a lot other which particularly excludes it as an optional treatment. The coverage is very high in cost, and hence the law permits insurance companies the discretion to accept or reject the inclusion of this clause.

Fortunately, there are a good number of States, which includes the infertility health insurance as a necessity. It is good if you live in one such State if you have an infertility problem. In this way, you will not need to struggle for infertility health insurance coverage and get the required financial relief.

In places, where this facility is not readily available, you may go out of your way a little to find out what is required (pre-requisites) for having this clause included. Alternatively, you should know that in any event that infertility health insurance is not there, all expenses incurred under this head, including doctor’s fees, diagnostic tests, medical procedures costs, etc are tax deductible – which can turn out to be neat saving as well.

Pic by ToniProtto.

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