Infertility Drugs: One Treatment for Couples Who are Infertile

If a couple has been having appropriately timed intercourse for more than 12 months without conceiving, they are officially diagnosed as infertile. Some sources estimate that as many as 1 in 10 couples of reproductive age suffer from infertility. Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available to infertile couples and as many as 60% of couples diagnosed with mild infertility issues can eventually conceive a child.Гараж из пеноблоков своими руками

Infertility Drugs

There are a number of drugs to help couples achieve pregnancy, usually prescribed for women who have hormonal or ovulation issues. Perhaps the most common infertility drug is Clomid. This infertility drug induces ovulation in women by changing the signals sent from the brain to the ovaries to indicate an egg should be brought to maturation and released. Other infertility drugs with similar functions include Bromocriptine and gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists. Clomid and similar drugs are typically taken orally during the early days of the menstrual cycle.

Insulin levels can affect a woman’s ability to ovulate regularly, and some medications that regulate insulin levels can improve fertility. Glucophage, which is often used to treat diabetes can also be used as an infertility drug. This drug is often recommended for women who are overweight and who suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is also associated with insulin levels. Another variant of this type of infertility drug is called Metformin. Both Glucophage and Metformin are taken orally, continuously throughout conception and pregnancy.

In addition to orally administered drugs, there are many types of infertility drugs that are injected subcutaneously. These drugs typically act directly on the ovaries, rather than working through the brain to encourage ovulation. Injectible infertility drugs are most often used when other drugs have been ineffective, or to support assisted reproduction techniques such as artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilization. Injectible infertility drugs allow doctors to control the menstrual cycle, making it easier to pinpoint ovulation and the optimal time for conception.

Side Effects of Infertility Drugs

Unfortunately, like all medications, infertility drugs have side effects. One common side effect of nearly all infertility drugs is a potentially serious condition called ovarian hyperstimulation. This occurs when the ovaries are put under too much stress and begin to swell. If left untreated, hyperstimulation can result in serious complications and extreme cases, in death.

Another common side effect of most infertility drugs is multiple births. This occurs because drugs can cause more eggs to mature and be released, resulting in twins, triplets, or in some cases, higher order multiples. Note that multiple births are less common with Clomid and other orally administered drugs and more common with injectible drugs.

Pic by gallus.

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