Amniocentesis: Is This Procedure Safe?

Amniocentesis is a procedure that is used to diagnose birth defects and other genetic traits during pregnancy. Your doctor may recommend it as a matter of course during your pregnancy. You may also be scheduled for amniocentesis if your doctor needs another tool to help with a diagnosis in the case of a medical issue with the baby. But, as a parent, you may be asking: “Is it safe?”kahovka-service

Over the years, people have been concerned over the process of amniocentesis. Is there a risk to the baby? Let’s go over what happens during an amniocentesis and what it is used for.


When you get pregnant, the baby begins to grow within your body, starting as one single cell and growing into a zygote and eventually a fetus. As the baby grows, it is cushioned in your uterus by amniotic fluid. This fluid contains the cells of the baby. Early on, these cells are moving around and positioning themselves where they will eventually end up in the body. As undifferentiated cells, they can give rise to many parts of the body during development depending on where they come to rest.

During this procedure, the mother is given a local anesthetic. The area of the abdomen is swabbed with an antiseptic. The doctor will insert a needle attached to a syringe through the abdominal wall and into the uterus. A small amount of fluid is needed for the test. The fluid contains fetal cells that are then examined.

Indications for Amniocentesis

Certain genetic abnormalities can occur during pregnancy. Any pregnancy has the potential for different things to happen based on genetic history of the mother and father. We are not talking about blue eyes versus green eyes or brown hair versus black hair.

On a cellular level, unborn children can develop conditions such as: Down’s syndrome, Trisomy 13, spina bifida, infections or Rh-compatibility issues. Amniocentesis is one way to diagnose these conditions during pregnancy.

Parents who have had genetic testing and found that they carry certain genes for genetic disorders may be concerned about their child’s genetic profile. This is where amniocentesis can be of help to them.

Another indication is women who have had repeated miscarriages. There may be a genetic reason that can be ascertained through this procedure.


As with all procedures there are risks involved. Amniocentesis is performed early in pregnancy, around week 20. The concern arises as to the types of cells that are extracted in the sample. It is debated that there is a danger of removing cells that are necessary for development of fetal limbs.

The chances are slim that this will happen. Ultrasound is used to guide the doctor as they insert the needle and remove the fluid.

Amniocentesis can give parents peace of mind concerning their unborn child. Beyond peace of mind, amniocentesis can diagnose problems that, when addressed early, have life saving results.  For this reason, some parents believe that any benefits they receive from having the amniocentesis procedure done far outweigh the slight risks of the procedure itself.

Pic by Tymcode.

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