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How To Have A Baby

Drugs Used To Advance Labor

Labor, the process leading up to delivery, is a necessary part of childbirth. If we could skip the long labor and proceed straight to the delivery, that would be easier, wouldn’t it?  But labor, especially those contractions, are what sets the stage for delivery. What happens during labor? The baby turns and makes itself ready […]

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Pile of Condoms

Condom Choices for Effective Birth Control

Contraception is used to prevent pregnancy. Some methods have the additional benefit of preventing sexually-transmitted diseases such as syphilis and HIV. They are called barrier methods of birth control. One popular barrier method is the condom. The idea behind the condom is that it would provide a barrier between the egg and the sperm. If […]

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Cesarean Child Birth

Cesarean Delivery – Why Is It Sometimes Necessary

The good old days weren’t always so good.  Women who had difficulties delivering their babies often were subjected to dangerous methods to resolve the problem, if even possible. Difficult and dangerous births were delivered vaginally often with terrible results.  Now, we have medical advances that allow for the safe delivery of babies using what’s called […]

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How to Have a Baby

What Are Apgar Scores?

Your baby has been living in a fluid-filled sac for nine or ten months. When your baby is introduced into the world, there can be a bit of sensory overload.  Doctors have developed a system to test just how well your baby is adjusting to the outside world.Как составить семантическое ядро для сайта You may […]

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How To Have a Baby

Water Birth – Is This Alternative For You?

Water birthing is a relatively new concept in the United States. Basically, a mother gives birth to her baby while being partially immersed in warm water. Water births have more typically been done during home deliveries, but have now entered the mainstream birthing What to Expect – Preparation Proponents of water birth say that […]

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Alternative Methods For Becoming Pregnant

Having a baby is the dream of many couples. But, wishing doesn’t always make it so. If you are having trouble getting pregnant, there are alternative methods to discuss with your doctor and partner. Who’s to blame? There is no reason to get into that discussion. Either partner, or both partners, may have health issues […]

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How to Have a Baby

Abstinence: Does it Work in Today’s Society?

As a parent, you are concerned with your daughter getting pregnant. A daughter is concerned about that and also the risk of acquiring a sexually-transmitted disease. For some, the answer lies not in conventional birth control but abstaining from sexual activity Abstinence is saying no to sex until you are ready. Over the years, […]

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How To Have A Baby

Does Acupuncture For Infertility Treatment Work?

That, of course, is the most important question.  Several recent studies show that it does work.  Acupuncture alone improves the rate of conception for couples struggling with infertility.  In addition, acupuncture improves the rate of conception for couples who are using artificial reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization.RA Grani How Does It Work? Eastern […]

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